Hi everyone! I got back from a week+ of PTO last weekend and then went right into a team work week where I was with people IRL for ALL 5 DAY of the week and I am… exhausted. So this will be a short newsletter. But this long weekend I’m just hanging at home and recovering so that’s nice :)
I’m assuming every person going to the office right now has an inbox that looks like this? 🙃 I’ve been going into the office and since I already had COVID a few months ago I haven’t been too worried about me, but this would definitely be scary for someone who hasn’t already had it and has spent 2+ years avoiding it. Still can’t believe companies are forcing people back right now.
Being called out right now. Honestly everything I do in life would be smoother with a PM.
New interview bias just dropped. Someone told me they didn’t hire someone who created industry content on TikTok (without knowing I was also on the TikToks). The rejected candidate is question was a new grad and in my opinion the fact that they spend time creating educational content that is accessible and popular is a huge PLUS. Why some people have a bias against sharing that knowledge on social media platforms is a mystery to me. If you have a concern about someone’s social media that they talk about in an interview you are welcome to go check it out. But my guess is if they are sharing it openly, they have nothing to hide!
My hero.
Another hero.
That’s it for this week folks! See you all next week!