For those of you who haven’t been following my Twitter story today I had a wild series of events today. My bike was stolen and recovered within a day all with the help of a kind stranger. Faith in humanity lost and restored within 12 hours - full whiplash.

In other news, Google IO and WWDC are coming up! Here’s an unrelated video:
Predictions Of A Successful Engineer
I love this thread by Louie because it mostly focuses on collaboration and empathy as the important qualities of an engineer. But also he calls out the “Brilliant Jerk” specifically. The “Brilliant Jerk” archetype is not only on Tech Twitter, but in my experience it’s also being called out in the workplace as what we don’t want to encourage in hiring and promotion. This is a huge shift from where we were even 5 years ago (a la the 10X engineer and its defenders). It can be hard to see industry progress, especially when tech still has so many problems, but it’s little wins like this that make me slightly hopeful for the future of our industry. These are the types of improvements that we all are able to contribute to changing within our workplaces via IC competencies, hiring rubrics, and setting good examples and culture. And these improvements can hopefully lead to more kind and inclusive teams that will support our other goals.

This is giving me Sims loading screen vibes.
Couldn’t have said it better myself! There’s a reason why we interview with this stuff!



That’s all folks! See ya next week.